• Caring & Sharing communities

Caring & Sharing communities

The Erasmus+ project aims to enable older people in rural communities to grow old and live as independently as possible in their familiar surroundings and be able to actively participate in life in the community.

In cooperation with partner organizations from Germany, Italy and Austria, we develop curricula and training plans, as well as building blocks for caring communities.


  •  recognizing the resources and needs of older people and responding to them in a needs-oriented manner

  • increase opportunities for older people to participate in social life

  •  counteract loneliness and integrate older people into a local social network

  • strengthening the personal resources and skills of older people

  • enable independent living 

Pilot communities: Sierning und Wartberg ob der Aist

International Erasmus+ project
Project duration: Jan. 2022 to Dec. 2024 (36 months)

Project partners:
Germany: SPES e.V. (Lead), KLFB, VKL, K-Punkt Ländliche Entwicklung
Austria: SPES AT
Italy: South Tyrol Social Cooperative

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
