Das Generationenrad
In the Hansbergland region, the pilot project "gesUNDgemeinsam: Das Generationenrad" is being implemented with the municipalities of Helfenberg, Niederwaldkirchen, St. Johann, St. Peter, St. Stefan-Afiesl, St. Ulrich and St. Veit.
The idea behind the project
Demographic change poses major challenges for society, especially in rural regions. In 2030, every third person in the Hansbergland region will be over 65. One of the central questions is therefore:
Our vision
Communities are places where all generations can live together and where people can grow old healthily and with dignity.
to maintain and strengthen participation in social life in the community - especially for older people
to create a culture of care where people of all generations care for each other and support each other
to promote healthy ageing by inviting people to take part in activities together: moving around, socializing with other people, eating together or listening to music keeps you healthy
connecting the participating actors because we can achieve more together
Pilot communities
Assoc. Hansbergland and seven municipalities Helfenberg, Niederwaldkirchen, St. Stefan-Afiesl, St. Peter am Wimberg, St. Johann am Wimberg, St. Ulrich, St. Veit in the Hansbergland region, Mühlviertel Upper Austria.
Project duration
The project will run for two years from March 1, 2022 to February 29, 2024.
Contact Us
Mag.a Elisabeth Frommel
+43 7582 82 123 992
Mag.a Birgit Appelt
+43 7582 82 123 70