• Green Deals

Think globally - act locally

GREEN DEALS for municipalities 

"Think globally - act locally" - in order to achieve this goal the GREEN DEALS project offers comprehensive training and qualifies citizens and supports local climate protection projects.

Participating municipalities and citizens analyse the current state of local climate protection in their municipality and learn to derive fields of action for all aspects of life. There are offers for different target groups that are intended to sensitise and motivate people on the topic of climate protection.

Partizipants are trained to independently implement climate-related projects and initiatives at the local level in a participatory GREEN DEAL process to improve climate protection in the municipalities and to support first steps.

The pilot municipalities of Enns and Bad Ischl were supported by the SPES Zukunftsakademie. We would be happy to support your municipality on the path to a climate-friendly future!

Best practice examples of local climate protectioncan be found HIER.  (Please select "GreenDeals" in the "Future model" field). The GREEN DEALS Radar, which can be used to assess your municipality, can be found  HIER. 

Here are some documents to download:

Further information on the project can also be found on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The "GREEN DEALS" project was co-financed by Erasmus+ and implemented with project partners in Austria, Germany and Liechtenstein. 

Das Projekt "GREEN DEALS" wurde von Erasmus+ kofinanziert und mit Projektpartnern in Österreich, Deutschland und Liechtenstein durchgeführt.