encounter - community - vibrant centers
Local supply & multifunctional centers
In many municipalities in Europe public services are under threat or have already disappeared. This situation has a serious negative impact on the quality of life.
As part of participation processes, citizens are empowered and supported in initiating and building multifunctional centers of sustainable public services together with the municipalities.
Such a center covers missing offers. This can be a local grocery store, a gastronomic offer, co-working spaces, meeting rooms or opportunities for senior living or young living. The focus is always on combining several services and cbringing people together.
In many town centers, there are vacant buildings that could be put to new use with a good and financially viable concept. This conserves both ecological and financial resources and utilizes potentials and synergies. At the same time, the cultural identity is shaped and a piece of home is preserved.
Contact Us
Wintereder Tamara, BA
Lubinger Eva Maria