Involving young people - but how?
Youth partizipation works!
The participation of young people strengthens identification with the community, communication between generations, promotes social cohesion and allows young people to experience self-efficacy. Furthermore, contrary to popular opinion, young people are quite political and want to get involved in their municipality.
SPES Zukunftsakademie has been organising various youth participation formats in order to develop ideas and projects together with young people.
An online survey is conducted and in the subsequent workshop the young people work on specific issues that concern them in their municipality and present their solution ideas vividly using different materials. A prototype is created that makes solutions and problems tangible. This can be a proposal for the redesign of a youth center, but can also visualize how, for example, a conflict issue can be resolved.
The youth workshop is funded by the Youth Service of the Province of Upper Austria.
Young people have many creative ideas and wishes for their municipality. However, projects are often implemented that do not meet the needs of young people. With JugendWIRkt we support municiplaities and young people in the joint implementation of projects for a good life in the municipality.
JugendWIRkt was developed and funded as part of the Sinnbildungsstiftung's Wirkstatt program.
Youth Council
The youth council is a special form of citizens' council and a way of getting to know the needs and concerns of young people and incorporating their views into community development. Using special moderation methods, the young people work out solutions and new ideas for their municipality.
We are happy to support your municipality in various areas of youth participation.
Contact Us
Wintereder Tamara, BA
Zehetner Zoe, BA